Saturday, May 06, 2006


Derby is the only reason I stayed in Kentucky past graduation, because I wanted to leave on a high note.

The closest thing I've been to is the tail-gating at a Harvard-Yale game. Unfortunately, the drinks were not free, but having the complete infield of a racetrack devoted to drunken debauchery and Mint Juleps may have made up for it.

There was a rumor going around that the $40 we paid to get in we paid in vain, because there was a 100% military discount ... but I never investigate further to make sure I didn't lose my sanity.

On the way out after the race, an Air Force crew chief and a Marine Corps Officer Candidate were arguing, so I manage to butt in as the token Armor guy present. The only thing we're missing is someone in the Navy.

From behind us, a woman calls out, "Hey guys, I'm in the Navy!"

The others brush her off, but I talk to her, an Ensign (the same rank I am, but in Navy-speak) in Georgia for training.

After picking up the rest of the group, we decide to walk from Churchill Downs to Fourth Street, which is 2, 4, 6, or 7 miles away, depending on who you ask.

One of the other officers sees a cab pull over ahead, and three men get in. He runs up, and soon the three of us are packed in, too, with a West Pointer who's out of the service and grateful to give us a ride ... even if his MBA classmates in the backseat don't share his enthusiasm for us.


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