Sunday, March 05, 2006

Barnacle Tactics

Our instructor, an Army Captain, is stuck to the wall of a classroom.

He's impersonating a barnacle.

To get there, he told us what he was going to do, and sprinted into the wall with a violent thud.

After pausing frozen on the wall for a few seconds, he dismounts and explains his point: "Offense is about violence and speed. You do not want to be what I just was. Barnacles just sit around, waiting for a fight to come to them. Don't be a barnacle during a fight."

The class laughs, but in the back of our minds we realize that he isn't injecting comedy to avoid the truth.

After lunch two weeks ago he showed us a video of a wounded and unarmed American contractor being killed by insurgents at point blank range.

The point was clear: if it takes comedy to learn the doctrine, use it. But there is no comedy in fighting a war against brutal enemies.


Blogger Peter Myers said...

Why do I, living in Moldova, seem to have better access to the internet than you, in the military, for whom the internet was originally developed? At least I blog more often. What's that? You say you have actual work to do, as opposed to me? Yeah, that's a valid point. But still, don't let a peacenik like me dominate the blog debate.

6:37 AM  

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